Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Infoaxe Real-time Search

At Infoaxe, we launched our new Real-time Search Engine at the Real-time CrunchUp organized by TechCrunch in San Francisco. TechCrunch, VentureBeat & GigaOm covered our launch. Many thanks to Leena, Kim & Liz! The NYTimes & CNN also picked up the story which was exciting.

With Infoaxe's Real Time Search you ask the question, 'What's popular now for X?' (where X is your search query).

For eg. if you search for 'iphone review', Google shows a review of the first generation iphone from 2007 which is irrelevant now. Infoaxe on the other hand, shows a review of the iphone 3GS which is what is relevant NOW for such a query.

Infoaxe's real-time search engine works by analyzing the aggregate attention data collected by our Web History Search Engine with over 2.5 million users. We know what the world is looking at NOW and leverage that data to figure out the most timely and relevant results for queries. Infoaxe's ranking algorithms use signals derived from this aggregate browsing data to provide a real-time view of the Web for searchers. Instead of merely sorting results by time, Infoaxe's algorithms use freshness as a signal alongside several other relevance signals to provide relevant results. We think the best result for a query is one that is as fresh as possible but not fresher ;P. We think Einstein would agree ;).

Infoaxe does particularly well for queries relating to Shopping, deals, movies/sitcoms/ebooks etc. Check it out here and let us know what you think! This is just our first step out the door. We are constantly tuning our ranking our indexing algorithms so expect search quality to keep improving!