Monday, February 18, 2008

Infoaxe - Stealth Search Engine out of Stanford

I have some BIG news in this post. I have just started my company, Infoaxe along with my long time friend and classmate from Stanford, Vijay Krishnan.

Infoaxe is the next generation search engine searching a very different kind of Web.
We are in stealth mode currently and hence my lips are sealed. But stay tuned for updates. Infoaxe is short for 'Information Access' with some liberties taken :)
It could also be a reference to the Stanford Axe ;).

We developed the Infoaxe Search Engine while we were graduate students at Stanford.
We are very excited to have Prof. Hector Garcia Molina on our technical advisory board.

We are really excited about Infoaxe which has at its core many innovations in applications of data mining and machine learning.