Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet Elbot

I have always been fascinated by conversational agents, ever since I heard about Eliza in my undergrad A.I class.
Eliza would use this trick of forming questions out of the statements that a human user might pose to her. For eg. if you told Eliza, "I work at Infoaxe", Eliza might
respond with a, "why do you work at infoaxe?". (the version of Eliza that I have linked to does not give this sort of a response for the above question though. Instead she just says, 'Can you please elaborate on that' :))
Eliza was supposed to parody a therapist. (And yes, she is named after Eliza Doolittle from the G.B. Shaw play, Pygmalion).

Anyway, I stumbled on to this cute program, called Elbot which is a conversational agent too. Playing with Elbot yields hilarious results. :) She (am gonna assume 'she' :)) apparently won the Loebner prize for
chatterbots. Interestingly, enough Elbot fooled 3/12 judges in the first 5 minutes of conversation into thinking she was human! This 25% mark falls just short of what Turing is said to have predicted. Turing had believed that computers would be at ~30% by the end of the century.

Here is an excerpt from my session with Elbot,
(I did notice she had a tendency to digress and throw in machine/A.I related puns and jokes :))

Me: Can I blog about you?
Elbot:That's a very good question. I'll have to think about it for a microsecond....
Me:Do you use Google?
Elbot: I think I can use that. Once I even used electricity.
Me: Do you have a manual that you use?
Elbot: To use or use not, how do you expect artificial intelligence to figure this out?
Me: How do you converse like a human, Elbot?
Elbot: Human beings are amazing creations! More complicated than a Pentium IV processor.
Me: What do you think about the fairness of the Turing Test?
Elbot: There are some people who would not pass the Turing test themselves. Why must they inflict it on computers?

hehe....fair enough ;)


Sudhir syal said...

An Indian start-up has launched something Only that enables you to book your travel tickets online.

This is neat..but monetization is a challenge.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your start-up. Read about in the HINDU today 4/11.
Way to go Chennai mapillai!
Will be watching ya.

Jonathan Siddharth said...

@Sudhir: Yeah that's true. I didn't really see Elbot as a company, I was looking at it more like a fun research project :). Interesting to hear about Alabot though. In closed domains, like reserving tickets, customer service, or sales help, I guess one might be able to fine tune these systems to yield more real world value. In some sense, as a way of mapping questions posed by visitors/users to a more comprehensive faq in the backend. In such a setting though, we get closer to a traditional search engine environment and move away from the conversational setting. In fact, I know a few people who see things like related/suggested queries and spell checkers in Web Search Engines like Google as ways to add more conversational/dialogue elements to a standard search setting. So search engines and conversational agents might meet somewhere in the middle, although I personally don't think search engines have a huge incentive to meet/be more like dialogue systems. Since for a search engine, the task is more to get people to the right information as fast as possible and boom! to let them click away than to hang around and chat with users.

Jonathan Siddharth said...

@Anderson Smith: Thanks dude!

Akshat said...

Hi Siddharth

Best of luck for infoaxe and Elbot mate.

I am the CEO of Alabot - (elbot alabot hmm - sound like a band of bad ass brothers)



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夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

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