I was having a conversation recently with Vijay Krishnan, my co-founder at Infoaxe about autonomous cars. This had always been a pet fancy of mine (and which also began my love affair with A.I) and I was recently reminded of my strong feelings on the subject after I had an accident on 101 where I ended up totaling my car.
I ended up rear ending a car that had suddenly stopped due to traffic. I felt that in this case, a human had been placed inside of a loop that he did not belong in. Obviously, humans should be removed out of all mission critical loops. (We do this at Infoaxe all the time ;) I believe human intelligence is best applied to creating more & more loops that we can get ourselves out of completely. It is the topic of another post as to whether its possible to get ourselves out of that meta-loop altogether ;P) In this case, the car should have had sensors in the front constantly tracking distance to the car in front with appropriate visual warnings when there is a violation. Most importantly the car should automatically apply the brakes when the distance between the cars is closed at an abnormal speed. Never ever rely on humans to react in time!
I have been really impressed with progress that folks have been making with autonomous driving especially with the Darpa Grand Challenge. There have been 3 of them so far, with the last event in '07. Check out the video below for some early practice runs by Junior of the Stanford Racing Team.
As Thrun remarks in the video ~42,000/yr die in the US due to car accidents and most of these are due to human error.
For the geeks, Junior perceives the environment through a combination of Lidars & video cameras. Here's an article from CNET with some more photos under the hood of Junior. And one more here with some fun facts about the plethora of sensors used.
Jonathan Siddharth's musings on Search, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Math and Computer Science in general with the occasional completely random post.
I am Co-founder of Infoaxe, a Search Engine that lets users organize, manage & search through the full text of their web browsing history across browsers & computers. Never forget a webpage again!
Prior to Infoaxe, I was a Graduate student in computer Science at Stanford University working on problems in ranking/search relevance. My research thesis at Stanford was SpotSigs: A near duplicate detection algorithm for deduping Web Scale Collections. I was a Scientist at Powerset where I co-designed the ranking function for the Natural Language Search Engine. Powerset was acquired by Microsoft for ~$100M in early '08.